My Boars!


About Bobbie!


  • Very sadly, our Buster died on 31st of August. His teeth were old and growing badly and when we took him to the vet, the vet discovered strange  lumps in him. Dear Bobbie died peacefully at the vet’s after a decision to put him to sleep to spare him of any pain he already had that would grow worse. Bad Boy Buster Bobbie had a terrific life with his loyal and beautiful wife Sneb. I’m keeping him on ‘My Boars’ page to honour his memory. Now, we have a new and beautiful piggy who bears some mysterious looks to him….
photo 3-9
Dolce, our new and beautiful sow!


Bobbie is a legend of a piggy. We love him so much, despite any bites he may give. He likes being cuddled, though he puts up a tough, ”I’m too tough to be cuddled” appearance!

About Theodore!

Theodore Bonbon is wonderful! He bears a striking resemblance to our former guinea pig, Bonbon. That is why we named him Theodore Bonbon! Here, see for yourself:

IMG_3517 Bonbon…    photo(10) Theodore!

Theodore is our only boar now. He is almost five years old. He is one of the sweetest piggies we’ve ever had.

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